Category: Linux

Best KDE/Plasma distro of 2017 | OCS-Mag

Best KDE/Plasma distro of 2017 | OCS-Mag

My 2 cents: KDE Neon or Linux Mint KDE(depreceated) Plasma me, Plasma you, a-ha, there was nothing we could do. But wait! Yes we can. Let us glimpse back upon Year 2017, and try...

Midnight Commander

Midnight Commander

This tool creates an explorer/finder type view for your terminal. It accepts mouse input and even has an editor.   Source: Midnight Commander

10 Easy Ways to Restore Your Linux System

10 Easy Ways to Restore Your Linux System

A little old but most items are still in use. Windows’ System Restore feature is a good way of making and maintaining entire system backups. If only Linux had a similar feature… oh wait,...